This is a quick consultation so Miss Pravala can connect with you and help you choose your potion from her collection.
Book this consultation with Miss Pravala when you are ready to order your potion so she can guide you for your choice.
If you would like a custom potion for special desires and special precious stones,
you will address this during this consultation.
Please note that regular potions take one moon cycle to be prepared.
Custom potions with special ingredients or involving special rituals from Miss Pravala may take longer.
The video consultation takes place via instagram or via zoom.
Quick consultations are NOT recorded and focus strictly on which potion suits you best at this point in time.
When? Thursdays only.
When we receive your payment for the consultation,
we send you an email within 24-48 hours to schedule your Thursday consultation.
This is a manual process. Miss Pravala does not rely on automated systems.
Her assistant will communicate her next availability to you.
Please provide your @ if you wish the consultation to take place on instagram.
Miss Pravala is committed to respecting the privacy of each of her customers and clients. Your personal data collected on this website will never be shared to a third party. Commercial emails and newsletters will be done sporadically to inform you on new promotions and to inform you of the publication of new social media content. For more information, you can contact us directly via email at [email protected]