How Practicing Self-Love Will Actually Turn You Into a (Human) Goddess

Becoming a Human Goddess is a very spiritually fulfilling lifestyle. Learning how to view ourselves from a Goddess viewpoint is essential to living life as a Goddess.  Many women suffer from self-dissatisfaction with their self-image. However, there are several ways you can learn to love yourself for exactly who you are. Embracing every imperfection you may see in yourself for what it is, is the beginning of becoming a Goddess. Loving who we are, the way we are is the basis of living a healthy and balanced life. As a Goddess, we know we are divine creatures and know our value.

Positive Self-Talk

Speaking to yourself in a positive way at all times is an essential way to put yourself on the road to self-love. Speaking to yourself in a positive way can change your thoughts about yourself. When you speak in a positive fashion all the time, it helps to instill a more positive lifestyle.  In order to feel like a Goddess, the key is making some changes. 


Yoga is based on the principle of Ahimsa, which means non-violence. When we think of ourselves in a negative way, we are submitting to violence against ourselves. Practicing yoga is a way to “yoke” yourself into making positive changes in your life. When you see changes in your body from practicing yoga, it also creates a positive mind and spirit changes. 

Goddess Invoking Activities

There are several activities that you can engage in to make you feel like a Goddess. Some of these activities are:

  • A visit to the spa to pamper yourself, because you are worth it.
  • Practice meditation to open your mind and feel the love from within.
  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • Apologize to imperfection on your body and follow it up with something physical so you will accept the imperfection for what it is and learn to love it.
  • Dance and feel the freedom to express yourself.
  • Write a letter of admiration to yourself.
  • Enjoy a drink and sip it like you are royalty.
  • Go for a long walk and practice mindfulness, taking in every aspect of nature.
  • Repeat positive statements to yourself daily.
  • Place affirmation notes around the house.
  • Send yourself chocolates or flowers
  • Go on an exclusive vacation and pamper yourself.
  • Light a candle for yourself every day, so you can see the positive light in yourself.

Other Ways to Build Self-Love

There are many ways you can build self-love. Some ways you can do this are:

  1. You can begin first thing in the morning by touching your entire body and feel thankful for the body you have. Love your body. Look at yourself in the mirror and don’t be afraid to tell yourself that you love “you”.
  2. When someone compliments you, accept the compliment wholeheartedly and say thank you.
  3. Fill your personal environment with beautiful things like vibrant colours, fresh flowers, crystals and other items from God’s great earth. Ensure every part of your home reflects the Goddess that you are.
  4. Manifest your desires and nurture them by connecting with your inner guidance and visions.
  5. Live from your heart.

Following some of these simple steps can lead you to live the life of a Goddess and provide complete happiness and fulfillment. 

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